NOTE: Chapters 4, 5, 6, and 7 are not written yet. They currently contain only random notes. In order to test the gtk-2.0 configuration, you need to know which programs use gtk-2.0: asunder, banshee, filezilla, geany, gimp, gparted, grsync, leafpad, LibreOffice, medit, MultiSystem, pinta, Seamonkey, shutter, SMplayer, Software Manager, Software Sources, and VLC are all gtk-2.0 gtkrc I have already chosen my background color (bg_color:#ca942e) and base color (base_color:#FFFFC2). The default sand color, #c8ac69, for the selected background is not too bad, but I want to change it to something a little closer to the gold theme. The default selected background in the Nemo sidebar is a gradient. I used the Gpick color picker eyedropper to discover the colors used. top: #c8ac69 rgb(200,172,105) bottom: #b69954 rgb(182,153,84) I will go with the darker color for my selected background in gtk-2.0/gtkrcgtk_color_scheme "bg_color:#ca942e\nselected_bg_color:#b69954\nbase_color:#FFFFC2"
The lighter color there, #c8ac69 rgb(200,172,105),
might be a good color for the gtk-2.0 toolbar later.I would prefer white text on the selected items, so I will change selected_fg_color:#f5f5f5 to selected_fg_color:#fff TIP: After making a change to gtkrc, open System Settings > Themes and switch to a different Controls theme, then switch back. After changing the gtk_color_scheme, the next section I want to edit is ## Color Definitions ##. Before diving into that, I will include a section on Google Chrome, and a few observations about the effects of the ## Color Definitions ## section. Google Chrome I use Google Chrome for my browser, and any change I make in gtk-2.0 has to be checked in Chrome to see if it works there - simply because Chrome uses gtk-2.0 in it's own unique, idiotic and infuriating way. Here is a little guide to gtkrc, comparing normal programs with Google Chrome - not very scientific, but based on my observations: Selected background (selected_bg_color) in Chrome is the same as other gtk2 programs. base_color is used as the selected text color in Chrome, instead of selected_fg_color ! fg_color does not control the foreground text color in Chrome, as it does in normal gtk2 programs. It controls the inactive text color. Changing selected_fg_color does not change anything in Chrome, but does in normal menus. text_color does not change anything in normal menus, but changes the text color in Chrome. Make text_color and fg_color similar, but not exactly the same, so they appear different in Chrome.
That takes care of the background for the Menu and the Calendar and the right-click menus, but I don't want to look at that grey Panel, so I need to edit lines 312 and 313:
background-gradient-start: rgb(246,246,246);
I already know the RGB for my background color is RGB -
202,148,46. The background-gradient-start is at the
top of the Panel, and I would like that to be a slightly
lighter color. At
I see that the next lighter tints are #cf9e42 (RGB
- 207,158,66) and #D4A957 (RGB - 212,169,87), so
I will try both of those to see which I prefer. After
comparison, the second choice will do for now.background-gradient-end: rgb(206,206,206);
background-gradient-start: rgb(212,169,87);
background-gradient-end: rgb(202,148,46); I am left with grey Window List tabs that I don't like, but they can wait until I get serious with the cinnamon.css in the Cinnamon chapter. At this point, my preparation is done. In Nemo, I will right-click on the .themes/Mint-X-Sand-Gold folder > Duplicate. That creates a backup copy - so if I mess things up, as I am prone to do, I can fall back to this point. One problem you will run into is the fact that some programs In medit (a gtk2 program), the background color of the text is always the gtk2 base color, when you use Tango or Classic. Other programs might use the gtk2 background color. /usr/share/gtksourceview-3.0/language-specs/yaml.lang /usr/share/gtksourceview-3.0/styles/classic.xml /usr/share/gtksourceview-3.0/styles/cobalt.xml /usr/share/gtksourceview-3.0/styles/kate.xml /usr/share/gtksourceview-3.0/styles/oblivion.xml /usr/share/gtksourceview-3.0/styles/solarized-dark.xml /usr/share/gtksourceview-3.0/styles/solarized-light.xml /usr/share/gtksourceview-3.0/styles/styles.rng /usr/share/gtksourceview-3.0/styles/tango.xml <style-scheme id="cobalt" _name="Cobalt" version="1.0"> <author>Will Farrington</author> <_description>Blue based color scheme</_description> <!-- Colors --> <color name="faded_yellow" value="#ffee80"/> <color name="bright_orange" value="#ff9d00"/> <color name="faded_orange" value="#ffb054"/> <color name="nail_polish_pink" value="#ff0044"/> <color name="neon_pink" value="#ffdd00"/> <color name="sky_blue" value="#0088ff"/> <color name="teal_blue" value="#80ffbb"/> <color name="light_blue" value="#0065bf"/> <color name="medium_blue" value="#003b70"/> <color name="dark_blue" value="#001b33"/> <color name="black_blue" value="#000d1a"/> <color name="white" value="#ffffff"/> <color name="pale_grey" value="#eeeeee"/> <color name="steel_grey" value="#333333"/> <color name="spring_green" value="#3ad900"/> <color name="sea_green" value="#00BF8C"/> <color name="light_grey" value="#cccccc"/> <color name="dark_red" value="#990000"/> <color name="bluish_grey" value="#777777"/> <color name="steelblue3" value="#4f94cd"/> <color name="dark_medium_blue_blend" value="#00213F"/> <!-- Global Settings --> <style name="text" foreground="white" background="dark_blue"/> <style name="selection" foreground="white" background="sky_blue"/> <style name="cursor" foreground="white"/> <style name="current-line" background="medium_blue"/> <style name="line-numbers" foreground="light_blue" background="black_blue"/> <style name="draw-spaces" foreground="bluish_grey"/> <style name="right-margin" foreground="light_grey" background="light_grey"/> <style name="background-pattern" background="dark_medium_blue_blend"/> <!-- Tango Palette --> <color name="butter1" value="#fce94f"/> <color name="butter2" value="#edd400"/> <color name="butter3" value="#c4a000"/> <color name="chameleon1" value="#8ae234"/> <color name="chameleon2" value="#73d216"/> <color name="chameleon3" value="#4e9a06"/> <color name="orange1" value="#fcaf3e"/> <color name="orange2" value="#f57900"/> <color name="orange3" value="#ce5c00"/> <color name="skyblue1" value="#729fcf"/> <color name="skyblue2" value="#3465a4"/> <color name="skyblue3" value="#204a87"/> <color name="plum1" value="#ad7fa8"/> <color name="plum2" value="#75507b"/> <color name="plum3" value="#5c3566"/> <color name="chocolate1" value="#e9b96e"/> <color name="chocolate2" value="#c17d11"/> <color name="chocolate3" value="#8f5902"/> <color name="scarletred1" value="#ef2929"/> <color name="scarletred2" value="#cc0000"/> <color name="scarletred3" value="#a40000"/> <color name="aluminium1" value="#eeeeec"/> <color name="aluminium2" value="#d3d7cf"/> <color name="aluminium3" value="#babdb6"/> <color name="aluminium4" value="#888a85"/> <color name="aluminium5" value="#555753"/> <color name="aluminium6" value="#2e3436"/> red white background-gradient-start: rgb(218,198,76); background-gradient-end: rgb(202,148,46); The next lighter tint listed on that page works better - #ca942e, RGB - 202,148,46 Parchment - HEX - #FFFFC2, RGB - 255,255,194 Panel gradient: #DAC64C - hex: (218,198,76) Now that I have my two colors, I can edit those into the gtk2 gtkrc file - $HOME/.themes/Mint-X-Sand-Gold/gtk-2.0/gtkrc, so that my gtk2 programs will have my chosen colors, also. <hr align="center" size="3" width="95%" color="green"> |